Hey Everyone,
We are super-excited for another amazing year of youth ministry here at Kilcona! New this fall are two incredible ventures: small groups in homes and a downtown service outreach. The small groups are focusing on going deeper into real life issues in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage honest discussion. The outreach is with Flatlanders, a downtown ministry connected to Winnipeg Centre Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Flatlanders is a home for both people at risk of homelessness as well as people who choose to live in this intentional Christian discipleship community such as the Dvorak family from our church.
Friday, Oct 22 – 7-9:30pm @ Kilcona - Jr High Event! We will have some crazy games (think sardines, persecuted church, capture the flag), prizes, food and music right here in our fancy-schmancy youth shack/crib/zone!
Friday, Oct 22 – Sr. High Small Groups! 7-9:30pm at the Adams’, 753 Bonner Ave, studying “Sex, Dating and Relating”!
Friday, October 29 – Corn Maze! Only $7.50 (or $5.50 if you're 12 years old or younger)! Meet at the church at 7pm; we'll be back by 10pm. We're going to A-Maze-In Corn, south of the city, one the best corn mazes around! We get this great low rate becaues we're partnering with Cornerstone Alliance!
Saturday, October 30, 2:30-6pm @ Kilcona – Flatlanders Outreach! This is an amazing opportunity to get to know the needs in our own back yard and make a difference! We’ll meet here at the church and then go and spend 2 hours at Flatlanders, helping with service projects and receiving an orientation to the lives of many aboriginal people. We will meet here at the church to carpool to Flatlanders. We will return to the church for pizza afterwards and chat about how things went. At Flatlanders we will both help out with some service projects and benefit from an orientation to aboriginal culture with Kelly Dvorak from our church and guests from the Flatlanders community. Let me know if you want to come so I can make sure you have a ride and we have enough pizza!
Friday, November 5, Meet at 6pm @ Kilcona – The Letter Black & Seventh Day Slumber concert! It’s the fall YC Manitoba rally with a couple amazing Christian rock bands! Tickets are only $10 – sign up with Pastor Rob!
Saturday, November 6 – Small Groups! Jr. Guys meet from 7:15-9:15pm at the Freemans’, 55 Minikada Bay, studying the basics of our faith; Jr. Girls meet from 7:15-9:15pm at the Roberts’, 54 Ranchgrove Bay, studying teen issues in the “To Save a Life” movie; Sr. Guys & Sr. Girls meet from 7-9:30pm at the Adams’, 753 Bonner Ave, studying “Sex, Dating and Relating”!