Date change! Mall Hunt on Nov 19 @ 7pm!

Hi Everyone,

We needed to swap a couple dates so now the Mall Hunt is this Friday, November 19, meeting at the church at 7:00pm with pickup at 10:00pm!

Next Friday, November 26, is small groups in the usual locations, except for Jr. Girls who are meeting at the youth shack for an incredible event (click below for details)!

Tons of Details on October Events!

Hey Everyone,

We are super-excited for another amazing year of youth ministry here at Kilcona! New this fall are two incredible ventures: small groups in homes and a downtown service outreach. The small groups are focusing on going deeper into real life issues in a relaxed atmosphere to encourage honest discussion. The outreach is with Flatlanders, a downtown ministry connected to Winnipeg Centre Vineyard Christian Fellowship. Flatlanders is a home for both people at risk of homelessness as well as people who choose to live in this intentional Christian discipleship community such as the Dvorak family from our church.

Friday, Oct 22 – 7-9:30pm @ Kilcona - Jr High Event! We will have some crazy games (think sardines, persecuted church, capture the flag), prizes, food and music right here in our fancy-schmancy youth shack/crib/zone!

Friday, Oct 22 – Sr. High Small Groups! 7-9:30pm at the Adams’, 753 Bonner Ave, studying “Sex, Dating and Relating”!

Friday, October 29 – Corn Maze! Only $7.50 (or $5.50 if you're 12 years old or younger)! Meet at the church at 7pm; we'll be back by 10pm. We're going to A-Maze-In Corn, south of the city, one the best corn mazes around! We get this great low rate becaues we're partnering with Cornerstone Alliance!

Saturday, October 30, 2:30-6pm @ Kilcona – Flatlanders Outreach! This is an amazing opportunity to get to know the needs in our own back yard and make a difference! We’ll meet here at the church and then go and spend 2 hours at Flatlanders, helping with service projects and receiving an orientation to the lives of many aboriginal people. We will meet here at the church to carpool to Flatlanders. We will return to the church for pizza afterwards and chat about how things went. At Flatlanders we will both help out with some service projects and benefit from an orientation to aboriginal culture with Kelly Dvorak from our church and guests from the Flatlanders community. Let me know if you want to come so I can make sure you have a ride and we have enough pizza!

Friday, November 5, Meet at 6pm @ Kilcona – The Letter Black & Seventh Day Slumber concert! It’s the fall YC Manitoba rally with a couple amazing Christian rock bands! Tickets are only $10 – sign up with Pastor Rob!

Saturday, November 6 – Small Groups! Jr. Guys meet from 7:15-9:15pm at the Freemans’, 55 Minikada Bay, studying the basics of our faith; Jr. Girls meet from 7:15-9:15pm at the Roberts’, 54 Ranchgrove Bay, studying teen issues in the “To Save a Life” movie; Sr. Guys & Sr. Girls meet from 7-9:30pm at the Adams’, 753 Bonner Ave, studying “Sex, Dating and Relating”!

Friday, October 8 - Rock the House!

This Friday, Rock the House is featuring Jason Buhr's band "Godspeed" as well the youth worship band from Albright Church! Come check it out from 7-10pm at Cornerstone Alliance, 920 Cottonwood Road. See you there!

Friday, September 24 - Fall Kickoff Event!

I forgot to mention the details for our fall kickoff event! We're holding our kickoff in the newly renovated youth shack with games, food and music from 7-9:30pm. We'll also chat about what's coming up this year and all of the exciting things to look forward to. See you there!

Kilcona Youth Fall 2010 Events!

Click on the image above to see the events calendar! Here are some other important details:
Call me right away at 218-5722 if you want to attend the David Crowder concert ($20 for youth through me; $33 @ Hulls or online - google it). We will meet at the church at 6pm so we can get somewhat decent seats.

Jr. Guys small groups are from 7:15-9:15pm at the Freemans', 55 Minikada Bay. They will be studying our most important beliefs and how to talk to friends about them.

Jr. Girls small groups are from 7:15-9:15pm at the Krahns', 55 Mutchmor Close. They will be doing a study based on the "To Save a Life" movie, addressing major issues teens face.

Sr. Guys & Sr. Girls small groups are from 7-9:30pm at the Adams', 753 Bonner Ave. They will be studying the youth version of "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" called "Sex, Dating and Relating".

The exact times and meeting locations for the other events will be updated on this blog and in our monthly bulletin and weekly e-mail updates.

It's going to be an amazing year and we look forward to having you a part of it!

Drive-In Movie this Friday, August 27, 8:45pm!

This Friday at 8:45pm we're watching Bridge to Terabithia! Everyone of all ages is welcome, whether you go to our church or not. This movie is going to be a lot of fun on our giant 22' outdoor screen! You can tune in to FM107.7 on your car radio or enjoy the movie in the fresh air with bug spray and blankets! Admission is FREE, and concessions are available. See you there!

Summer 2010 Youth Events!

Check out the lineup for our summer activities!

Saturday, July 2, 7-9pm (Jr. High & Sr. High): Go Karting, Bumper cars, batting cages, etc. at Grand Prix Amusements $15, drop off and pick up are at Grand Prix Amusements, at the corner of Hwy 1 and Symington Rd.

Tuesday, July 13, 7-9:30pm (Jr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Lucas and Dillon Tielman's house! Drop off and pick up at 87 Dowhan Crescent.

Thursday, July 15, 7-9:30pm (Sr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Lucas and Dillon Tielman's house! Drop off and pick up at 87 Dowhan Crescent.

Sunday, July 25, 12pm-5pm (Jr. & Sr. High): Swimming at Grand Beach! Drop off and pick up at the church. Bring a lunch and lots to drink.

Thursday, August 12, 7-9:30pm (Sr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Michelle Adam's house! Drop off and pick up at 753 Bonner Avenue.

Tuesday, August 18, 7-9:30pm (Jr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Rob & Alissa Freeman's house! Drop off and pick up at 55 Minikada Bay.

Sunday August 29, 2-5pm (Jr. & Sr. High): Pool & volleyball party at Jason & Sherrill Buhr's house! Drop off and pick up at 161 Malcana Street.

Also make sure to check out our the Kilcona Outdoor Cinema events below!

Kilcona Outdoor Cinema! Summer 2010

Join us in our outdoor theatre for some exciting movies this summer! The sound is amplified as well as broadcast in FM Stereo so you can enjoy the movie from your car or on your lawnchair with blankets and bugspray. Check this blog for actual movie titles during the week prior to each showing. See you there!

Kilcona Summerfest 2010! June 25, 2010 7pm-1am

Don't miss the craziest event of the year! An insane fireworks show will cap off an exciting evening of volleyball, football and basketball - not to mention the great snacks, huge inflatable climbing wall, water games and live band! And then we'll kick into a high energy movie that is sure to rock you - "To Save a Life". See you there!

Car Rally! June 18, 2010 7-10:30pm

Come on out for a great time at our car rally scavenger hunt! There will be a prize for the winners and food for everyone! At the start of the rally everyone will also take part in blitzing our neighbourhood with flyers for our major event next Friday!

Bonfire at Funks! May 7, 2010 7-9:30pm

Come on out to the Funks' place for a bonfire, games and food! Just chill out, or get in on some soccer, ultimate frisbee, football, capture the flag, airsofting (yes, bring your stuff!) or trampoline fun! Drop off and pick up are at the Funks' place at 2 Garven Road (1.6 km from the highway, on the right). See you there!

Wall Climbing! April 9, 2010

We're meeting at the church at 7:30pm and returning by 10:30pm. Bring $12, a completed waiver form, (see Vertical Adventures website:, clean running shoes, t-shirt & shorts or joggers. See you here!

Bowling! Friday, March 26 - $5!

Jr. High & Sr. High will be bowling at Roxy Lanes on Henderson in separate groups. Both groups meet at the church at 7:00pm and get picked up back at the church at 9:30pm. The cost is $5. See you there!

Friday, February 26, 7-9:30pm - Sleigh Ride! (Jr & Sr High)

We are going for a sleigh ride! Drop off and pick up are at the Funks' residence, just north of Winnipeg at 2 Garvin Road. Bring $5 and we'll see you there!

January 31, 2010 Parent Meeting RE: YC2010!

Calling all parents of our youth! We are getting prepared for an incredible experience with our youth this spring and we want you to be a part of it from the start. Please come on out right after the second service this Sunday, January 31st at 12:00 noon for a short meeting. We'll be done no later than 12:45pm. See you there!

Kutless concert! Jan 29, 2010

You won't want to miss this YC Rally with Mike Love speaking and a Kutless concert! We meet at the church at 6:30pm to go to Calvary Temple and we'll be back to Kilcona by 10:30pm. Tickets are $10 in advance by paying Rob or online at They are $15 at the door.

Rock the House! Jan 22, 2010

High energy music, fun and worship with a bunch of other youth groups! We are meeting at the church at 6:30pm to go to Cornerstone Alliance and we'll be back at Kilcona by shortly after 10pm (it actually ends around 9:40pm).