Kilcona Youth Fall 2010 Events!

Click on the image above to see the events calendar! Here are some other important details:
Call me right away at 218-5722 if you want to attend the David Crowder concert ($20 for youth through me; $33 @ Hulls or online - google it). We will meet at the church at 6pm so we can get somewhat decent seats.

Jr. Guys small groups are from 7:15-9:15pm at the Freemans', 55 Minikada Bay. They will be studying our most important beliefs and how to talk to friends about them.

Jr. Girls small groups are from 7:15-9:15pm at the Krahns', 55 Mutchmor Close. They will be doing a study based on the "To Save a Life" movie, addressing major issues teens face.

Sr. Guys & Sr. Girls small groups are from 7-9:30pm at the Adams', 753 Bonner Ave. They will be studying the youth version of "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" called "Sex, Dating and Relating".

The exact times and meeting locations for the other events will be updated on this blog and in our monthly bulletin and weekly e-mail updates.

It's going to be an amazing year and we look forward to having you a part of it!

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