Summer 2010 Youth Events!

Check out the lineup for our summer activities!

Saturday, July 2, 7-9pm (Jr. High & Sr. High): Go Karting, Bumper cars, batting cages, etc. at Grand Prix Amusements $15, drop off and pick up are at Grand Prix Amusements, at the corner of Hwy 1 and Symington Rd.

Tuesday, July 13, 7-9:30pm (Jr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Lucas and Dillon Tielman's house! Drop off and pick up at 87 Dowhan Crescent.

Thursday, July 15, 7-9:30pm (Sr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Lucas and Dillon Tielman's house! Drop off and pick up at 87 Dowhan Crescent.

Sunday, July 25, 12pm-5pm (Jr. & Sr. High): Swimming at Grand Beach! Drop off and pick up at the church. Bring a lunch and lots to drink.

Thursday, August 12, 7-9:30pm (Sr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Michelle Adam's house! Drop off and pick up at 753 Bonner Avenue.

Tuesday, August 18, 7-9:30pm (Jr. High): Discussion, Games, Food, Movie, etc. at Rob & Alissa Freeman's house! Drop off and pick up at 55 Minikada Bay.

Sunday August 29, 2-5pm (Jr. & Sr. High): Pool & volleyball party at Jason & Sherrill Buhr's house! Drop off and pick up at 161 Malcana Street.

Also make sure to check out our the Kilcona Outdoor Cinema events below!

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